Apartments in Ingolstadt

Rent now!

Perfect for students, interns, trainees and teachers

  • Fully furnished student apartments from 18 – 22 m²

  • High quality furniture, kitchenette with with electrical appliances

  • Bed, wardrobe, desk, chair, curtains, ceiling lights

  • Elevator for all floors, shared terraces, laundry rooms

  • Please note: The period of notice for the rental contract is three months. You have to give notice three months ahead of leaving the apartment.

Apartment Types

Illustrations exemplary and not accurate in every detail. Floor plans partially mirrored

  • Apartment Type 1a


    Typ 1:

    Total area 18qm
    Monthly net cold rent 408,- €
  • Apartement Type 1b


    Typ 1:

    Total area 18qm
    Monthly net cold rent 408,- €
  • Apartment Typ 1c


    Typ 1:

    Total area 18qm
    Monthly net cold rent 408,- €
  • Apartment Typ 2


    Typ 2:

    Total area 20,5qm
    Monthly cold rent 460,- €
  • Apartment Typ 3


    Typ 3:

    >Total area 21,7qm
    Monthly cold rent 486,- €


Interested in an apartment?

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ERL Immobiliengruppe
Oberer Stadtplatz 18, 94469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 991 37060-888
Fax: +49 991 37060-889